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DVD Learn to Play Tabla - Vol 2

Excluding VAT: £10.00
Including VAT: £12.00
Learnto Play Tabla with singing and instrumentsIsan interactive DVD composed by Tabla Bisharod Sudershan Das. The recommended strategiesand techniques are the successful outcomes of trial which were tested Tabla& Dhol academy in London to ensure effective learning for intermediatestage. This DVD is a complete package for self-help learning............... Theguidense includes: An introduction to the Indian ClassicalMusic.An introduction to the basic tabla diagram.A video demonstration on tin-Taal, Dadra,Kaharba & Jhap-Taal, with singers and instrumentsAn introduction to the vilambit (slowspeed) Madhya (Double speed) & Chowgun (Four time playing (Tin Taal)Glossary-definations of common musical terms(such as Tala, Matra, Bols, Khali, Theka.